Red Hornet and Alter Ego Ty Baxter  




Alter Ego: Ty Baxter

Occupation: Billionaire Industrialist, Olympic Silver Medalist (Pentathlon), Inventor

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: The Baxter Clan, Charles Baxter (father), Emily Baxter (mother), Alexis Baxter (sister), Susanna "Sissy" Baxter (grandmother)

Group Affiliation: S.P.E.A.R. , The Liberty League

Base of Operations: New Liberty City

First Appearance: From Prussia With Love

Height: 5' 10'' Weight: 175 lbs.

Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown


Born to a life of wealth and privilege, young Tyrone Baxter (he prefers Ty) was a gifted genius with a multitude of talents and abilities in various fields. After graduating with honors from the Exeter Academy in Northern New Liberty state, he received three masters degrees from the Bluedale College: one in electrical engineering, the second in biology, and the third in chemistry. He also was a professional Pentathlete and Olympian while he worked part time at his family's company: Baxtech.

Working in research and development he quickly rose the ranks to become vice president of the company. His training continued and he became the company's top most expert in infiltration and security as well as supervising the design of several military weapons.

When the need arises, he has been known to take the law into his own hands as the costumed vigilante they call: The Red Hornet.


Ty has a wide variety of interests but they focus mainly on working (inventing and developing new technologies and weapons), watching TV (mostly adventure shows and his favorite detective show Mike Angel p.i.), playing the piano (Ty is a conservatory level pianist with an interest in jazz music), and New Liberty City (Ty loves his home town and hates to be away from home).


An above average olympic athlete, as a Pentathlete Ty excels at general physical conditioning, with a lean swimmers body and excellent stamina. He is an expert fencer, horseman, and pistoleer. He is a crack shot, one of the best in the world. He is a master strategist and tactician from chess to corporate and social interactions to combat. An infiltration specialist Ty is familiar with, or has designed many security systems and is an expert at surreptitious entry. He an excellent vocal mimic, master of disguise, and escape artist.

The weapons in his arsenal are often designed for the occasion but his usual stand by is his field pistol which he calls: the Stingray. The Stingray is a multi purpose pistol with a grappling hook, energy beams, and a SGR dispenser.

SGR (Solidified Graphite Resin) is an atomically re-organizable substance that can take almost any shape. Developed by Ty Baxter, SGRt has the ability to morph into the pre programmed shapes--a sort of digital DNA. Anything from a grappling cable, to a net to a chair.

Ty also carries around an extending billy club while in the field. He wields this weapon with all the mastery of his saber wielding pentathlon days.