New Liberty Ledger
  Live Music at the Fancy Lounge


The Third City

Founded in 1736 by the Dutch, New Liberty City was instrumental in the American Revolution and became the largest port on the eastern seaboard. Situated just north of New Mersey, its many rivers and tributaries were easily defended from the British.

The city flourished until the great fire of 1816 when the city was nearly destroyed, then with an ever growing population New Liberty City was the first to have an extensive water supply brought from a great distance to fill the needs of its citizenry. Not since Rome, they said, had an undertaking so massive been undertaken. But then in early 1900 The Earthquake hit. It has no name they only called it "The Earthquake". It destroyed many of the oldest buildings in the city, but with the help of the fledgeling steel business, later to be consolidated by Andrew Steed, the city rebuilt and erected sky scrapers the heights the world had never seen. From then on, the city that steel built, forged in fire, rocked in the quakes, was called ever more: the Third City.

The NLC thrives to this day as the cultural and financial center of the country a beacon of hope to all visitors can be seen by air and by sea: the Star of Liberty. A giant statue on Liberty island that was one of the only grand structures to survive The Earthquake. The Star of Liberty represents the never dying spirit of New Liberty City a place where anything can happen and often does.



NEW LIBERTY CITY, NL -- Ground was broken today on the future site of Rex Ruthless's Hospital for kids who can't pay. Just one of the many donations given to the city by the billionaire philathropist.



BROOKLINE, NL -- Another child has gone missing from a south side of Brookline this morning, bringing the total to sixteen in the past three months. Investigators have had no leads so far in the case.

________________________________Sunny Coffee